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Health Disparities for Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Hello, hello, helllloooo!!!

Frustration and anger occurs when you are faced with a problem no one seems to care about, but you. It’s like saying hello and the person on the other end can’t hear you. Or screaming at the top of your lungs but there’s no sound. Have you ever felt that way? Well, that’s how people with disabilities, their caretakers, and family members feel when are trying to get access to everyday benefits typical people have at their disposal. This an issue that has been overlooked for centuries. 

Research has shown both social and health disadvantages for people with disabilities. People with developmental disabilities have a higher rate of obesity than individuals of similar age in the general population. Currently there are restrictions and limitations that excludes people with disabilities from fully participating in their communities, and receiving the proper healthcare they need. Long term this can lead to further health issues and chronic conditions. According to Healthy People 2020, people with disabilities are more likely to not engage in fitness activities, be overweight or obese, & have high blood pressure as compared to those without disabilities.

Why the disparity?

Factors that contribute to high rates of obesity & an increase in secondary conditions include unhealthy eating habits & lack of regular physical activity. The level that adults with developmental disabilities participate in physical activities falls below that recommended in public health guidelines.

The goal of Ability & Beyond Fitness is to provide access to physical fitness for adults with developmental disabilities. We want to be the bridge between community health & physical fitness. Be sure to check out the Services page to see which service is right for you!


  • Lenora Sasteh Walters

    This is very real. I didn’t even know that my daughter had a disability until she was seventeen years old. There were no services available to her. I had to literally constantly call the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities to get help. I mostly felt like no one was listening to me. Thank God my daughter’s doctor helped me and her to live a better life.

    • abilitybeyondfitness

      Thank you for sharing your story with us. We believe the more we discuss our stories, the more we can come together as a community. While services have improved from years ago, we still have a long road ahead to help our loved ones. This is why we are so passionate about what we do!

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