You Are Not Alone

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Let’s support instead of demean our neighbors, family members, friends, parishioners, co-workers, medical practitioners, civil servants, leaders, baristas and so on. Most don’t realize the growing number of people who have some type of mental illness. All ages, groups, and backgrounds can be affected. It does not recognize race, class, religion (or lack thereof), political affiliation, etc. Very few people are aware of one’s experience of mental illness. Feelings can be describe as; overwhelmed, self destructive, impulsive, lost, angry, out of control, sad, anxious, helpless, defeated, compulsive, negative self image, and more. When your mind is at war and you feel like your world is spinning out of control, you are not alone. You may want to isolate yourself because you think people may not understand or you’re embarrassed. There is no shame in being attuned with yourself, and seeking help or finding a healthy way to cope.

A solution could be as simple as better self-care, sleeping more, healthier eating habits, exercising, listening to music, going to the spa, journaling, venting to a confidant, attending church, mindfulness mediation, reading and so forth. For others a help hotline, support group, life coach, and/or therapist may be the answer. Whatever your situation is, you do not have to suffer in silence. Please find a healthy strategy to manage your feelings, or seek professional help from someone who is equipped to support your needs. Ability & Beyond Fitness supports Mental Health Awareness Month. As always, we offer an inclusive environment, despite any and all disabilities. Check out the resources below: